février 26, 2019

Essiac Tea

Essiac tea is a traditional drink of the Ojibwa, a North American Indian tribe also known as the Chippewa. It has a slightly bitter, grassy kind […]
février 23, 2019

Dandelion Tea

For those of you with a garden, you can probably spot some dandelions from time to time. They grow almost everywhere, but did you know you […]
février 21, 2019

Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemums are flowering plants that originate in East Asia, and we can mainly find them in China. The flowers of this family of plants can vary […]
février 20, 2019

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea comes from the edible flowers of the matricaria chamomilla plant, otherwise known as chamomile. This particular drink has a reputation for being a good […]
février 20, 2019

How Do Black and Green Teas Differ?

There are a few differences between green and black tea; the major one is that black tea requires a lengthier production process. While tea leaves are […]
février 19, 2019

Chai Tea

Chai is a combination of black tea, steamed milk, and various Indian herbs and spices. These spices typically include cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and ginger, among others. […]
février 15, 2019

Chaga Tea

v Many mushrooms have medicinal properties, but have you ever tried mushroom tea? If not, you may want to look into Chaga mushroom tea. This particular […]
février 14, 2019

thé noir

Made with the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, black tea is a true tea. It’s also one of the most popular drinks in the world, […]